OpenClassroomThis was my third startup. From mid-1999 to mid-2000 Brendon Grunewald and I worked during our spare time to develop a GNU/Linux-based distribution geared towards the education market. This was a fun and very exciting project. These are some of the files and materials we produced during this time. DocumentationThese were some of the documents prepared during the software development process.
Financial InformationThese are some of the financial documents we put together. Please excuse the "irrational exuberance" of these "financial models:" these documents were prepared during the peak of the Internet Bubble.
Promotional MaterialsThese documents were prepared to promote the work of the project. |
Notice: None of the materials in this website represents the opinion (if any) on any issue from any past or current employer. | Copyright © 1997-2013 Jose C. Lacal | Last updated on Saturday, February 23, 2013 at 18:04 hr. EST {GMT-05:00}. |