DataStream Content Solutions and Dolan Media02/2010 to 11/2012DataStream Content Solutions ("DSCS")On 02/2010 DSCS bought some assets from OpenPHI and retained me as a full-time employee, working remotely from my home in South Florida.
Architect and lead developer for a fraud-prevention system using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology (patent pending). This patent-pending system combines data mining with rules engine to identify geographical patterns of concern ("Who is Where doing What?") used to prevent fraud, waste and abuse. Working with Medicaid state agencies as well as private companies in the healthcare, media and finance industries. Developed TraceMining, an innovative Geographic Network Analytics (GNA) tool designed to visually and analytically help you identify fraud, waste and abuse. TraceMining is a Geographical Information System (GIS) built from scratch using US Census TIGER shapefiles, and Open Source software: GDAL; Mapnik; PostgreSQL / PostGIS; and OpenLayers. Using Python as the "glue language," and with Django / GeoDjango as the front-end MVC framework. Incorporates reprojected aerial imagery in MrSID and GeoTIFF formats from the USDA's NAIP for the entire continental US. See {http://www.dscs.com/files/files/TraceMining%20DSCS.pdf} Personally developed address geocoding algorithm in Python using Census' TIGER ESRI shapefiles. Implemented methodology and designed software to regularly download and process massive amounts of raw data from government sites: state-level licensure files; FDA AERS and MAUDE; Medicare's NPI; FCC wireless databases; etc. Dolan MediaDolan Media, a publicly-traded company, acquired DSCS on 12/2010. I developed new software platforms that identify, process, analyze, integrate, and synthesize massive amounts of information from disparate sources. Current role entails developing working prototypes that demonstrate the concept's feasibility. Then transfers knowledge to and manages team of offshore developers to scale the prototype out. Worked with state Medicaid agencies to test and deploy platform to tackle fraud, waste and abuse. |
Notice: None of the materials in this website represents the opinion (if any) on any issue from any past or current employer. | Copyright © 1997-2013 Jose C. Lacal | Last updated on Saturday, February 23, 2013 at 18:04 hr. EST {GMT-05:00}. |